Mr. & Mrs. Ebner - Est. March 19th, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Ebner  - Est. March 19th, 2010

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chapter 1

So I really haven't been very good at doing this blogging, but I pinky promise that I am going to try and get better.

Here is a little recap of the past few months...

I found out we are PREGNANT! Huge surprise but we are so excited.
  • Week 5: We found out we were expecting our little Love Bug.
  • Week 6-10: I started to gain just a little bit of weight, but for some reason it felt like a ton. I dealt with all sorts of lovely quirks that come along with being preggo. I had horrible "morning sickness", and the whole "morning" thing is completely false. Whoever decided to call it morning sickness was playing a mean trick on pregnant women. I wasn't actually throwing up, at least not regularly, it was more of just that extreme nausea all day. That horrible feeling where you feel like you are just on the verge but nothing actually happens. I am so glad that those days are behind me!! At week 9 we had our first ultrasound and got to hear out Love Bug's heartbeat. Seeing and hearing our little one made it so much more exciting and so much more real. It was a very special moment for me and Philip. I wanted to show off those sonogram pictures to anyone who wanted to see, and I am sure to plenty strangers who didn't care! We also went to Austin to visit my lovely baby sister Meagan and her boyfriend Ryan. We had a great time, and every time I visit I want to move there. I had a "love at first sight" encounter with Austin in high school and I never been the same.
  • Week 11-12: I started to feel slightly better dealing with the nausea, but I started to throw up after I would eat. I love my food, so this was so frustrating. I would feel fine and eat, but then throw up and be starving immediately after. Horrrrrrible. I called my doctor's office and my nurse told me I had developed "acid reflux" which is really common in pregnancy. She prescribed me some meds, and now I am a happy camper and stuffing my face. I was so happy to be out of the "First Trimester"!! I felt like I was moving up into a special club called the 2nd Trimester. It was where all the cool kids hang out and where a lot of those preggo quirks I talked about earlier subside. Phew!
  • Week 13-15: Hello Baby Bump! I just looked like I had packed on a few, and then voila, a bump emerges. I was actually so excited,  it was the first time I felt like I was starting to look as pregnant as I felt. I was excited to wear more fitted shirts and show it off! Hopefully we can keep this "bump" contained to my stomach area. It seems like it gets a little more firm and a bit bigger day by day. It makes it all seem more real.

Bump Pictures: WEEK 14 - ( I wasn't really "bumping" before this so we started taking pictures)

My first baby...Miss Oakley

So that is the skinny on what I have been up to these past few weeks.

Ta-Ta for Now,

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